About Cari

I have have been intuitive and could see, hear and sense spirits for as long as I can remember.  I remember passed loved ones coming so "visit" and I also remember just "knowing" things.  
When I was little I could tell my mom what commercial was next on the T.V. or what song was coming next on the radio.  Back in the day before cell phones and caller ID, I would always be able to "know" who was calling.  I thought all this was "normal".  When I realized it wasn't,  then I started to fear it and hide it.  I would drink heavily in high school, and I also started to have migraines.  
I went on with life, getting married, having kids, and trying to be as "normal" as I could.  Then my marriage fell apart, I hit Rock Bottom and for some reason my gift came back full force (maybe it was from all the praying I did). 
I still tried to hide it, but it caused my migraines to worsen. I  started to work a lot on my own personal development and this taught me to love ALL of me, including my gift.  I eventually just embraced it and started do sessions with my family, friends and loved ones.  Word got around and now I have been  doing this for all for the last 6 years. 
I hear, see and know messages that come through for others.  I have learned to "manage" it better so it doesn't "just happen" anymore.  
I used to worry a lot about what others thought about me and my gift.  I think that is why I hid it so much... but I have decided I honestly don't care anymore, because the most important thing is... I LOVE ME.  and it doesn't matter what anyone else says or thinks.  I know in my heart GOD (yes I said GOD) would not give this gift to a 5 year old child if it was anything less than beautiful and healing. And my sessions with others are full of love and healing. 
So that is my story and who I am. I don't claim to be "special", in fact I think everyone has this gift, some just have it more than others. I would love to help you on your journey by helping you "tap" into your gift or by "tapping" in for you and listening to your messages.  
Honestly, my goal in life is to just shine bright and leave people with a little more light then they had before I met them.  
Sending Love, 
Cari Mugz 
Even though the gift is natural.Ā  I always believe in learning and growing.
I have taken classes to help me learn more and develop my gift.Ā Ā 
  • Certified Advanced Psychic and Meduimship with Lisa Williams LWISS
  • Online classes with Medium Amanda Linette Meder
  • OnlineĀ and in Person training with Medium Colby Rebel
  • Online Training with Medium Cindy Kaza
  • Online Training with Medium Tony Stockton
  • Online Training with Medium Danielle Searancke
  • Online Training with Medium Lindsay Marino