Welcome to the Spunky Spirit Podcast. I'm your host, psychic medium, Cari Mugz. This
is where we learn all things spirit, everything from spiritual gifts, awakenings, ghosts, aliens,
and star seeds. Nothing is untouchable, but always fun and spunky. I am honored to be
on this virtual journey with you, so make sure you hit the subscribe button so you never
miss an episode. Hello and welcome to this episode of Spunky Spirit. I am psychic medium,
Cari Mugz. And today we are going to talk about when things get heavy and how to see the signs
because I am not going to pretend it's not happening, right? I don't want to do spiritual
bypassing. I don't. I have so many people reaching out right now more than I ever have in the past
of how things are so hard right now and how things are so chaotic and how they feel alone.
And this is just, there's so much more to this than just the political stance of the United States.
There's just so much in a world, like in the world there is, the holidays are coming.
There's just so much. And even I have felt it, like even with this whole thing with my granddaughter,
with this Nelly thing, and how the community pulled together. And I just know all of my family
is feeling this heaviness and all of my clients are feeling this heaviness. And as much as I want to be
the positive face that you see, or I want to bring you the joy of each day. And I want to help you get
through each day. I also don't want to pretend that this is, this isn't happening and that people feel
alone, especially during the holidays and people feel alone right now, or things are chaotic and
they're scared. People are scared of, you know, the future or what's going to become of it, or,
you know, they have anxiety about this and not, and again, this isn't a political thing.
This is just about life in general. It's just been really hard lately. And so this episode is to remind you
that, that it's not just you. This is a collective thing. Lots of people are feeling it. But, you know,
me saying it's not just you doesn't mean it doesn't, it doesn't matter. Because like I said, in this week's
Carrie connects, it does matter. And you do matter. And just because everybody else is going through
something doesn't mean what you're going through doesn't make, make a lot of, you know, doesn't
count because it does. Because what happens is we just keep putting it out there as a collective of
how stressful it is and how anxious it is. And, and then it just gets worse. And we can, because we,
what we focus on creates more. And so and it's really hard, because when you're in the thick of
it, when you're in the middle of it, it's super hard not to focus on it, right? Especially when
you're dealing with like other people's things. If you're dealing with, you know, like, like my daughter,
Nellie and her heart issues, it's, it's hard not to focus on it, because it's, it consumes a lot of you.
And so it's hard, because a lot of people are out there, you know, and they say don't focus on it,
what you focus on, you know, becomes more and, but there's just some things in your life that
become so hard sometimes that that's what you focus on. And, and it's hard, you know, especially if
you're like me, and you have a little bit of, you know, some ADHD, and sometimes intrusive thoughts,
things, then it's hard to just rewind that stuff. And this is probably where we're going into a little
bit of mental health. So if you are really struggling with intrusive thoughts and depression,
you can call, you need, I think the number now is 981. Don't, I think there's a hotline, it's just
nine, I can't remember, I'll post it down at the bottom. But if you do need extra help, and you, and it is
there for everybody and everybody, it don't feel like you're a failure if you have to use this, or if
you have to have counseling, or if you have to go to counseling, I go to counseling, counseling is for
everybody. I'm 100% on counseling is for everybody. But mostly, I want you to know that you're not alone,
and you do got this, and you have had some hard things in your life, and you've still made it to
this point. And earth can be hard, and earth is, is hard. But we also can band together and help each
other. And sometimes if you feel alone, and you don't want help, or you, you don't, you can't really
help, sometimes you can't help people, because you're so lost in it yourself, that you can't. And just
remember too, there's a season. There's a season when you get to help people. I remember when I had
little tiny kids, little, I had four kids under the age of eight, I think. And it was hard,
physically hard. And I remember people saying, Oh, just wait till they're teenagers. And I would
seriously almost start crying, because I'm like, if it gets harder than this, I can't do it. I can't do
it. It's just a different hard, right? It's just children, you know, little children are very much more
physical, where teenagers are much more emotional. But it's also, you know, and that's why I want you to
know, too, that people can say, don't, they can tell you, don't, I don't even know how I'm trying
to say this. Because I just want you to know that sometimes other people's heart is not your heart.
So other people struggle with maybe having teenagers, but that might not be your struggle.
So just because somebody says this is a struggle, or this is don't put it out there, don't put it out
there that it is, because it might not be, it might be okay for you, it might be something that's a
little not as hard for you as others. But there will be something else out there that's just as
hard for you as teenagers were for them. So it when we get to the other side, we're going to see
how incredibly even it actually was. And we don't feel like it is on earth, because we see other people
going through things or, but it is incredibly even because everybody's heart is different. And I want
you to remember that. But just because everybody's heart is different, and some people seem to be
handling things better than what you might doesn't mean it's your there's something wrong
with you or because I know a lot of people are like, well, I shouldn't feel this way because so
and so is going through this or so and so is going through that. It doesn't matter, because your heart
is different than their heart. So don't you need to give yourself grace on this and know that your heart
is different than other people's hearts. But what I really want you to know is you're not alone.
Spirit has got you as spirit is with you. And I'm going to kind of tell you some stories of how I see
spirit when I'm going through some hard times because it hasn't been like super easy peasy for
me lately either. I just don't want to be that I don't want to bring you down in already a hard hard
situation. And I know everybody's feeling it. So when we were going through this thing with Nellie,
I had some hard times. There were times when I had had confirmation that things were going to be okay
and that things were going to, but spirit has a different okay, right? Spirit, okay to spirit is
different than okay to us, us because, because of lots of different reasons. And so I remember on the
way, if you follow me on Instagram, you know that like on the way to the hospital, when she was having
her surgery, that I was behind a random license plate that said LUV777. And I knew that that was
my dad reaching out to me and saying, we've got this, it's going to be okay. But then there was a
hard situation. And I've had other validations that spirit came through and said, this is going to be
okay, like just confirmation. But it's harder for me to read the confirmations for my own family,
because I'm so personally invested, invested. But I had had some other instances with other
mediums that they came through and said, it's going to be okay. Just because when life is, you know, hard,
I go, I also get, um, get readings and they not from anyone around. Anyways, I also get readings
once in a while, about every six months, just to validate where I'm at too. Right. And so, um,
anyways, I got validation from, from these two mediums also that things were going to be okay.
But I know that when spirit says, okay, it can be a different, their okay is different than our okay.
Right. Because the, to them, if, if Nellie didn't make it through the surgery and went and passed over
and transitioned, then they would think that that was okay. Cause they would, cause she would be with
them. Right. And that's not okay for me. So, so anyways, this is when you have to realize you're kind
of out of control. Like you don't have control of this situation, but I had had confirmations that
it was going to be okay. So, but there were two times in the hospital while she was having her surgery
that were not okay. And I did not know if it was going to be okay. And watching my son fall apart
during those times was super hard. And I actually got mad at spirit. And I was like, cause you can get
mad. You can get mad at spirit. You can be, you can be mad. You, you have that, your feelings matter.
And if anybody understands it, spirit's going to understand it more than any of your friends or
your family, spirit's going to understand it because they know what you're going through. Because most
likely the trials and the tribulations that you go through, um, spirit has one of your guides has
had that experience on earth because they have to be your guide. Your guides have to know your guides
have to have been on earth to know what you're going through. So, and most likely things that are
going on in your life, there are going to be guides for that certain situation. So I kind of like went to
the meditation room and I got mad. I was like, and it's so funny because when my son went to the meditation
room, he bargained, I had already done the bargaining before, when we found out that she had this issue,
I'd already been like, take me instead, do this. And this is where I'd gotten my confirmation that
things were going to be okay. But my, my son during the, um, during this hard time of the surgery where
we didn't know it was kind of iffy, he did the bargaining. He did the bargaining there. And I did that.
What the heck? You told me things were going to be okay. You, you told me this. And I kind of like
lost trust for a minute. I was just kind of frustrated and mad. And to be honest, what we
were worried about in that situation is something that we shouldn't have been worried about. We didn't,
we, it was just something we had assumed we had created fear. We had just because we didn't get the
update that we wanted. We had created that fear. Now, now there was, it was validated that during
that specific time that, that her, her surgery was, there was some struggle. She was struggling to get
off the, the bypass machine. So it is just so funny how that, that correlated at the same time. Um, but
I almost a little bit lost faith because I'm like, you told me. And I just was like, I need to not
question this because then about 20 minutes later, they got the call that it was okay that she had
got off the bypass machine. Then there was one other time too, that, um, that I had kind of questioned
like what, what's really going on. And, and that was a really hard time too, but that was also a mistake.
We had questioned some stuff that were on some of the doctor's plans, but they had read it wrong.
So I hear I was questioning spirit when in reality, the people are, should have, who I should have been
questioning, right? Like I need to trust and surrender to spirit and always know what if,
what if this is for my highest good? I actually love these word bracelets. And, um, if you can't
see them, they're just little word bracelets that have like different sayings on them. And one of mine
says, what if, what if this is for your highest good? What if this is supposed to bring you closer
to God? What if this is, I mean, I, in my, during my divorce that I would have been like, no way,
no way, no way is this bringing me closer. The whole what if thing didn't even, even exist for
me back there because it was such a freaking trial for me and being alone. And I felt abandoned and
raising my poor kids by myself and no way would I have ever said, what if, what if this is for the
highest good? What if, because no loss or no grief is what you think is for your highest good, right?
And, and so I guess you have to ask yourself, how, how am I going to come out of this? How am I,
if, if, if my worst fear does happen, how can I come out of this positively? How can I,
how can I react to this? Don't, don't just let things happen to me. How can I react to it?
And so, and I get it when you're in the middle of it, it sucks. I do. I get it. But what I want you
to know is during these times, the moral of the story is when I was at the lowest part of Nellie's
surgery, I was not alone. I knew spirit was with me. I had so many signs all around me. I had the
different songs that would come on. I had the, the license plate number. I would see seven, seven,
seven all the time. I had friends just reach out out of the blue and bring us dinner. Like it was,
it was spirit was behind the scenes the whole time. And I questioned it the whole time. And,
and in another instance too, and this is how I'm kind of wanting to explain to you, you're not alone,
but when you're in the grief of it and you're in the thick of it and you're in the middle of it,
you don't see the signs because you're so focused on the issue at hand that you don't really see the
signs around you to let you know that you're not alone and spirit's got your back. That's why I love
doing carry connects because it's a little bit different. It's a little bit different than this
is what's going to happen this week. This is your future. It's like, this is what's going to happen
with this week. And this is your signs and symbols to let you know, spirit's got you spirits helping you
through this specific trial. And that's why I love carry connects so much is because it shows you the
signs and the symbols to watch for, for that week, because spirit's going to be with you saying,
we've got this, we've got this. And so I kind of want to explain, kind of give you a little bit of
story about when I was in North Carolina. Um, I have also been going through some other stuff that's
like not related to Nellie that feels heavy. Um, just some business stuff and just some stuff around,
you know, just me trying to progress or me trying to get better and always wondering what,
which route that, what that looks like for me. And, um, you know, sometimes you just think why,
you know, why not, why bother? Cause I, I love doing what I do, but sometimes there's a lot of pressure.
There's a lot of pressure. And so, um, you know, you question sometimes or sometimes I do the same
thing. I do overwhelm and I, I don't, I get too involved in some of the readings and I carry the
grief or I carry that with me. And so I went to North Carolina and I was trying to just, okay,
where, what direction do I want to go? And I do this every year, every October, if you notice,
if you follow me every October, cause to me, October is my new year. It's not January.
I hit January going with a bang. October is when things start over for me or when I reevaluate
things. And last October I had a tumor and I had to reevaluate, I had to do simplicity.
This time I'm like, okay, what do I want? What, how far do I, how many people do I want to help?
How, what does that look like? Where does this go? Like, what is this for me? What does this look
like? Or is it just, you know, what it is? Is it just staying where I'm at? And I, if you,
if you know me, I'm not good at staying complacent or staying comfortable.
I always like to grow and move, um, and keep, keep, keep moving forward and keep progressing
and reaching goals. And, but sometimes you get, you get tired, right? So I was in North Carolina
kind of trying to figure this out. And I, I was with some good company, um, did some readings there,
did some work, but I was also with two of my friends from high school. And, you know, this is a time
where we just kind of bounce stuff off each other, things that are going on in our life.
And so I, um, I was kind of wondering where my projection was or what if kind of having a,
am I good enough moment? I guess, you know, not in it, cause it's one of those things. Look how far
you've come. Not anyways, it was, it is what it is. But that day that I was, that I kind of was like
revamping things and thinking, okay, cause it was, it was a little bit of a business trip.
I went for a walk on the beach and I had my earphones on and there was this awesome,
awesome experience. Like it was, the wind was kind of blowing towards me. So the sand was going
towards me. The ocean waves are amazing. It was the most spiritual, like one of the most spiritual
experiences I've ever had. Like me walking barefoot on the beach, being grounded. And I know we all don't
get a beach, right? But this was just, and there was this song that came on and it's called the
monster by Andy grammar. And it says, you know, word for word, there's a monster in me that has
been asleep, but now it's waking up. Like, and it keeps saying you were made for more. In fact,
I'm actually going to get a bracelet that says you were made for more. And, and it says, there's a
spirit and I'm trying to hear it. And it says, you're made for more. I mean, it was like everything
I needed. It was everything I needed at that time. It was spirit's way of saying, you have got to keep
moving. Like we're, we've got big plans for you. We're going to keep going. We're going to keep
going. I don't really still know what that looks like, but I'm just going to trust spirit, right?
Because I learned, I've learned, you know, the, the one thing I've learned through this whole thing is
you trust spirit, you trust, and you surrender and you give away the control. And even though as much
as I try and plan it out, spirit, spirit's got its own agenda sometimes. And I work for spirit.
So, um, that song came on and I lost it. Like I just felt this calmness and, and I handed it over to,
I'm surrendering it to spirit and it's, and it's awesome. And then that night, so I remember the,
the, the story, this, the song is called the monster. So then on the way home on the plane,
I, we were watching different videos. I was watching my, you know, cause on Delta,
they have those things in front of you watch different movies. And my husband was watching a
movie and I was watching, of course, practical magic. Cause that's one of my favorite movies.
And I, and I look over to his and there's this big, huge, I don't know what he's watching. I think
he's watching if imaginary friends, and there's this big purple monster, like monster in the movie.
He's cute. He's this cute, funny monster. And he is trying to, I guess, this is what my husband told
me, but all I see is this monsters touching this man besides him, his shoulder. And he's trying to,
and then he's, the monster starts to glow. The monster starts to, um, to glow. And I, I asked my
husband, it's because the man was starting to remember his imaginary friend. So in my kind of view,
the mad, the man was starting to remember who he was, who he was, because we all have this imaginary
friend. We all have this spirit guide that's with us. We all have these, this imaginary friend to me
is a spirit guide. And ironically, it was a monster, right? So to me, a lot of people would have just
looked at that and been like, Oh, they wouldn't even put the two together, but I know spirit well
enough. And I've been doing this long enough to me. That was a sign. Remember the monster and monster
sounds bad, but it's not. There's this spirit inside me and I'm trying, there's something inside
me and I was, and I need to keep, keep moving because I was made to do more. I was made to do
more, whatever that is. I was made to do more. So that was one of the signs. And then we get home
and we're driving down, down the street and, um, and the sign, the billboard sign for the gas station
says monster. And it's like, I know what was monsters on sale, like the monster energy drink,
but I had never seen like the words monster on this billboard before. And I was like, okay,
that's, and then the next morning when I woke up, I was scrolling like Instagram. First thing I was
looking at Instagram. Cause I think I was supposed to be, um, posting carry connects. And the first
thing that shows up is a little stuffed animal monster, a little monster that was purple and it
was matched. And I'm like, okay, I get it. I get what you're trying to tell me. And even though I'm
scared and even though things are, you know, it's crazy. I get it. I get that. I, I need to keep
moving. I need to keep pushing. I need to keep doing this. I get it. And I, and I was, I knew,
I know that something bigger is coming and I have to get ready for it. I have to get ready for it.
So a lot of people would see all those signs and just think that they're coincidences, right?
They're not. So in this time of heaviness,
find the signs, find, find your sign. If you're, if it, to me, I would never in a million years think
it was a monster, right? Never in a million years would I think that my sign is the monster.
And I have to be honest when I was getting kind of like, well, when I was getting some,
um, you know, you know me, I totally believe in foot zones because feet are where my energy goes in
and out of. And, um, I, she's my, my Nicole, who does my, she works in my office said, um, to me,
what are you imagining right now? And I'm like, honestly, there's a big purple monster. Like,
I feel like there's a big purple monster. And, and she started laughing. We both kind of laughed.
And then I realized, oh my gosh, that's, that's all of this is tying up in, in all of it was tying
up together. So this monster, actually this cute, big purple monster that can be fierce and can be cute
actually kind of created its own life. So it kind of created its own like spiritual resemblance for me.
So now I feel like I don't know what guide took on this form, but I feel like whatever guide is in
charge of me going forward and moving forward, took on the form of this big purple, this big purple monster
to like, know that this can be fun and it's not scary. And it's, it's, it symbolizes that the magic
inside of me, because you have everything you need inside of you and the monster you were made for more.
And there's a monster in me that has been asleep, but now he's waking up. So this whole monster
thing is just kind of giving me more purpose, more energy. And now I see monster signs like all the time.
And part of it can be that, you know, you buy a red car and then you see more red cars, but not in the
beginning it wasn't. Not in the beginning. At the beginning it was spirit saying, this is the answer.
This is where you're going. And so I want you to be aware of these synchronicities, these, these signs,
because this is how spirit lets you know they're with you, especially when things are heavy.
Because when things are heavy and you're in grief, and you're at a lower frequency, just because you're
in grief, and the collective is kind of at a lower frequency right now, it's just kind of heavy.
Then they're going to show you other signs and symbols, right? They're going to bring through
this information in other ways. And so they're going to try and get your attention. And a lot of times,
people dismiss it. Because everything that I just mentioned, people would have just been like,
oh, this is a cool song, and just been in that moment. Then they would have seen the monster on the
TV, and they would have been like, oh, that's a cute, that they wouldn't have put the two together.
Then the monster on the billboard, they wouldn't have put that together. They just
would have kept going saying, they wouldn't even, but that's how spirit works. You have to be aware.
You have to be aware of the signs. You have to be aware of what's around you. And you're not just
looking for them either. These came up all randomly, all randomly for me. I didn't say, I'm going to see
a monster today. Like I didn't. It just came up all randomly. So there is signs in, they are around,
and spirit has got you, and spirit is with you, and they're not going to leave you. And if you can't
figure out the signs, ask spirit to show you, or ask spirit a certain sign. Say, I want my sign to be an
owl. I want my sign for this to let you know you're with me to be this. And I kid you not, you're going to
start seeing so many of those owls that you're going to be like, is this just me? But it's not.
And that's what happens. We get to this point where like, I think it's just me. I'm just making it up now.
No, it is still them. You just are awakened and you're seeing the signs now. And so you open up to
that. And so you see it more. And I know there is this thing where if you're looking for a certain
certain amount of, it has a certain name to it. And if you're looking for a certain car,
then you can start to see those cars. You kind of manifest it. That's what's happening. You're
manifesting it. And people can make up any excuse they want to and say, well, you're just more aware
of that car now because you have it, but you can also manifest it. So don't just trust spirit.
Trust the spirits got you here. This is, this is the spirits going to help you get through the
holidays spirits. This is going to get better. It's going to be, it's going to get better, right?
And it might not get better the way you think it's going to get better, but it's going to get better.
And what if this is for your highest good, even though it hurts right now and it's painful,
what if this is for your highest good? And I'm not talking about the loss of somebody or
somebody dying here. Cause that's just, there's no, what if that's for your highest good or not,
especially when you're going through it. You just don't want to hear that. Right. So, um, but also
just know that trust, trust spirit, surrender to spirit. I have learned this year that it's the
most amazing thing. And then I did kind of have, um, you know, I did, I was, I wasn't going to share
this, but I did kind of have a little bit of a medical thing happen during this whole Nellie thing.
And I just was like, it's going to be fine. Cause I got to focus on other things. Right.
And I went to actually go get some, I went to go get it looked at this last Friday and they thought
maybe they would have to do surgery and they didn't because it's gone. It's gone. So
trust. And, and the thing about it is, is I don't want anybody to feel bad because just because mine
was gone and theirs isn't, you, we all have our different trials. We all have different things
we have to get through. And my heart is different than your heart and my trials and my journey shouldn't
be different from yours. So don't compare those. Don't compare those to don't say, well, they have
it harder. They're doing this. Their heart is different than ours. You don't know what they've done
in other lives or past lives or in their past that they are having this trial instead. So
that's why we don't compare because we don't, because it makes us feel less than,
or it makes us feel superior. And, and that does not exist. Superior and inferior, inferiority does not
exist. So I really hope that helps you guys. You are not alone and spirit is with you. And I just wanted
to give you a medium's perspective of how signs and symbols come through, because it's not like we see a
guide sitting next to us in our car talking to us. It's exactly how everybody else sees it. We just
know, we just know where to see the signs. We know, we know how spirit works and we're just more aware
of it. Right? So, so just be more aware. Look at all the things, you know, I say this all the time.
The native American believe, the native American believe, Americans believe that there are signs
everywhere and they're, they're all, they're everywhere. You just have to be aware of them. So take a deep breath,
breathing it out and know that this too shall pass and it's going to be okay. So if you can just get
through the next minute, the next second, the next hour, the next day, and if you really don't think
you can please reach out. And I think I'm not 100% positive, but I think the, the hotline to reach out
is 981, but I will double check that and look at the show notes and post it in the show notes if I'm wrong.
And know that it's hard to do this alone. It is hard to do this alone. And so reach out to somebody
that has capacity to hold that for you. And remember, you're always, always, your spirit team is always
with you. You always are having guidance with them and they will never leave you alone. So I love you
guys so much. Um, I do have some way cool things coming in January and coming next year. I am
starting Instagram lives that I'm going to be doing throughout December and November. Um, I do have a
chakra class this week on Saturday that has a few openings and this is going to be a deep dive in the
chakras. It's not like a beginning balance. It's not like a beginning chakra class. It's like a deep dive.
And there's more, more added chakras to it. Like the heart chakra has another, there's three more
chakras added to the original seven. We're going to talk about that. And also to coming up, I'm going
to be doing spirit circles again. And next year, I'm going to be doing spirit circles again. And I am
going to be doing like a, a different kind of live where you can call in and get readings. I'm work that
is in the works that's in the works. So good things are coming because there is a monster in me that is
waking up a good one that tells me I am, you are made for more. You are made for more. Keep going.
You got this. So I love you guys so much and I will see you guys next week.