Welcome to the Spunky Spirit Podcast. I'm your host, Psychic Medium, Cari Mugz. This is where we
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learn all things spirit, everything from spiritual gifts, awakenings, ghosts, aliens, and star seeds.
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Nothing is untouchable, but always fun and spunky. I am honored to be on this spiritual journey with
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you, so make sure you hit the subscribe button so you never miss an episode. Hello and welcome to
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this episode of Spunky Spirit. I am Psychic Medium, Carrie Mugs, and this is the first podcast of 2025.
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And honestly, I don't really know, and I kind of have a little bit of an idea of what I'm going to talk about.
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Obviously, we're going to talk about manifesting and creating, but mostly just making sure that this year
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you're kind to yourself and that you're authentic and you love who you are, because that's really
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the most spiritual thing that you can do is be in love with who you are. And so if you're having
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things like depression or sadness, it's because there's something in your life that you're not happy
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about. And my goal this year, well, my word this year is create, because I'm going to create a life
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that I love. I'm going to create big things. This is a big year. I've got lots of things. In fact,
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I'm going to tell you what they are because I want to be accountable. I want to be accountable to you,
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and I want you to know because then you guys hold me accountable because you text me or you
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email me or you message me and you say, when are you going to do this? When are you going to do this?
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And then it pushes me. And I really dropped the ball in January because I really thought,
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you know, I was going to hit the ground running and we're going to go and things happened. And
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sometimes you can't always hit the ground running. So I just want you to know that every day you can
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start new, right? Every day. You don't have to wait till January 1st. You don't have to wait till
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October when sometimes that's when some people start over or feel like they start over. You can
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start over anytime. And so I feel like to me, this week is the first week of the year, but I have
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lots to do. I have lots. I have gallery events planned that I want to do, but I want to make them
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bigger because I'm having such a huge response of people wanting to come that my space that I hold
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in my office isn't big enough for them anymore. So I have to find a bigger place. So I'm kind of
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not sure how I'm going to do that. I'm trying to navigate that, but I do know I'm going to have a
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gallery in February and I do know I can't have them on weeknights anymore. I used to have them
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on Thursdays and I can't do that anymore because because I would have a day full of readings and
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then I would have the gallery and I want to do the galleries on days that I don't have readings.
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So I'll probably start doing galleries on the weekends instead of on the weeknights. And then
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I'm also adding Akashic record readings to my schedule. And I got to figure out how to navigate
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that because I got to figure out what nights I'm going to do that because I have to add them on top
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of my other readings. So just so much stuff going on. And then I am writing a book this year. So
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and I have new, new, lots of new stuff coming up this year, lots of big things. And so I'm focusing
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on mostly my mediumship readings and my mediumship abilities. And and so it's just been and I had
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so much, you know, all this that I wanted to do and I was going to hit the ground, you know, in
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January with all these events and I was going to have a class on remote viewing in January. And
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and honestly, that's going to be pushed back to probably February just because
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I was going to use my vacation time during the holidays to like do all that. But then I ended
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up just wanting to spend time with my family. I wanted to rest for a minute. But and I also did
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with the help find, you know, just different places that I can have these galleries.
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And sorry, if you're not, if you're watching, I have something stuck in my tooth that's
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bothering me. But there we go. That was that was nice, wasn't it? So I just want you to know that
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give yourself some grace. This year is about being kind to you. This year is about loving you and
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loving who you are and doing what you want and creating a life you want. And I always used to
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struggle with creating a life you want because in a in a past job or past MLM that I was in and
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I'm not bagging on MLMs, they can be great if you if you know how to work them. They'd always say
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create the life you want. And even when I was creating it, it wasn't the life I wanted. And
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but I, you know, through this journey of entrepreneurship and spiritual
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growth, I have been just kind of responding to what's coming or I've been kind of reacting
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or I've been kind of just like letting it flow. And now I'm going to like create it. I'm going to
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create what I want. I'm going to create this I'm going to go get it. I'm going to go get it and
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create what I want. And that's what manifesting is all about. You figure out what you want. That's
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the biggest thing, right? Not how everybody else does it, not how it goes or how everyone else
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thinks you should do it. It's what you want and what you want to do. Do I want to do events? Do
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I want to write a book? Is or is that just something that people expect me to do? So
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this year is about figuring out who you are and what you want to create and how that works with
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you and how that fits into your life and what you're willing to give up to create that and what
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you're willing to not give up and what you, you know, all the things, all the things that
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create who you are because we are here to create our lives co-create with with the creator, right
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with God. And, and I just know that if you, if you just kind of let let things happen or
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sometimes it's not, I mean, life isn't always going to be 100% perfect or always, always great,
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but, and we're going to have ups and downs. But when you create and you figure out what it is that
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you want and creating a year that you want and you put it out there, I'm a firm believer that you
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always, you know, you get what you put out there. And so I'm putting out there that this is going
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to be a great year for me as spiritually and for my followers, my Spunksters, my you, you guys,
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it's going to be a great for you because we're going to create magic, magical moments in our
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lives. We're going to create magic and good and um, uplifting things. And, and I always,
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you know, the reason why I'm sharing this is because I just, I want to be accountable.
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And so what you have to ask yourself for this year, what is it that you want and what is it that
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you would change or what is it that you could do differently? Do you like the way your day-to-day
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life is? What would, if you don't, what could you change about that? And I remember I used to tell
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my kids all the time, if you complain about it, you can change it. And my son was like, that is not
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true. If you, if you complain about, he's like, that's not always true mom. You can, you know,
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and I'm like, anything that you complain about, you can somehow change. It might not be 100%
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fixable or 100% fixed, but it's always figure out able to a way that you can, you know, deal
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with it or you can handle it or it can become what you can create. You can create it. And
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if you hate your job, you can look for an exit plan. You can kind of start and you think, oh,
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I'm stuck here. I make too much money here. The insurance is great. There's no way I can leave
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them. That's what you're creating. But if you hate your job and you were like, okay, I'm going to put
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out feelers. I'm just going to put it out there that I'm going to find something different. And then
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you actively start kind of looking for something. I promise you, things will fall into your, into
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your lap, things will fall into place. And if you're in a relationship, that's hard. And you
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put out there that you're going to, you know, you could put out lots of different things. If you
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feel like you're stuck in it and you can't leave it, then you need to, you know, try and create
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ways that you can be happy in it. Be happy in it and, and figure, everything is figure
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out able. Everything is figure out able. Don't ever for a minute, ever think that you're stuck
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because you have the power to change it. It might take a long time and it might change, it might take
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a lot of rethinking things or changing the way you think about things, but you have the power
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to change it. And it might take a while, but you really have all that power inside of you. And we
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just don't give ourselves enough credit. We don't give ourselves, we don't think we have the power.
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We think that we are, we're controlled by outside sources or that we're somebody else's like we,
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and I get it because when I was a mom, a single mom with four kids, there was very little that I
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could maybe do to change my circumstances. And, but I did, I put it out there that, and it took a
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while. It took a long, it took a couple of years, right? Like, and it wasn't always easy, but it,
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if I just thought this is hopeless, I can't make it, I can't do it, then that's what I would create.
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But if I just put out there at least that, okay, I want to at least try this. So I want to at least
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try this. I've always been the type of person who's just like, we can do it. We just got to figure
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it out. I just got to figure it out. Like, I've always been that I've never really felt like
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everything was lost or everything was done. I mean, I've had, when I lost my dad, I thought that
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you know, death is really hard. And that's a hard thing to get through. But I've never once
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ever thought, I can't do this anymore. I mean, there, you know, when you go through depression,
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sometimes you have those thoughts when you're going through really, if you've ever been in the
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deep, deep dark depression, you can have thoughts of like, can I do this anymore? And I, and I,
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that's different. Like, that's, that's something that you need. You might need outside help with,
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you might need to get help with. But I'm talking about just life in general, if life in general
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that you are in a job you don't like a relationship you don't like the situation of your day to day
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life is just something you don't like. Everything is figure outable. Marie Forleo says that all the
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time and you can figure out a way to love your life or to create a life you love. Like so,
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even though I created my, you know, spiritual business, my spiritual, my spiritual practice,
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there were things in it that I was like, okay, I love this, but I don't like the fact that I'm
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stuck in this. I created, I did not in a million years think that I would be booked out a year.
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And so I didn't like put things in my calendar to stop from getting booked out. I should have
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handled that differently. And now I've got to figure out how to fix that. I got to figure out
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how to go in and fix that because I, because I am a slave to my job now, because I don't mean that
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route because I love doing readings and I have changed it. So it's only like two or three days
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instead. I used to do four or five a day. And so I don't want to, but I also too, to the point where
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if I have to plan a vacation, I have to plan it out. I have to take off like years in advance,
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not years, but, you know, months in advance, because if my family were to come to me tomorrow
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and be like, Hey, let's go to a trip here next two months from now, I can't because I'm booked.
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And so, so I have to figure out how to make it so, so I can control that I can, so I don't have to,
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and I kind of have, I've kind of made it so I only do it like Tuesdays through Thursdays.
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And Fridays are my express readings. So and I, and Fridays aren't booked out a year in advance.
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So I can always have Fridays to like to Fridays off to Monday. So, so I figured it out, right?
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Everything is figured out. But I remember two years ago, when my daughter was in her burn accident,
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I was pretty stuck and I was stuck at every day at five readings and it was miserable because I
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couldn't even like, I felt like I couldn't be there for her because I was stuck in every day
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doing four or five readings. And so that was the turning point where I was like, I can't do this
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anymore. I can't because she needed me and I needed to be there. But I was, I was, I was in this thing
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where people have been waiting forever for a reading. And I felt bad because when you are waiting
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for a mediumship reading, you're waiting to talk to your loved ones and people have been waiting
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for a really long time. And I don't want to be the one to be like, can't do it. So I rarely,
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rarely reschedule or cheat or reschedule my readings because I just know that a lot of times
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people have been waiting for so long and it's so heartbreaking and I just can't do it. I don't have
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anything to do it unless I'm super sick and I can't and I, and I can't connect. Then that's when I'll
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reschedule. But I, at that time, I didn't even have time places to reschedule people because I was so
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like booked. So the moral of the story is, and I felt stuck. I felt stuck and I didn't know how to
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change it. And it didn't change overnight because I had to be responsible for the readings that had
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already been booked, right? But it did change. I went in, figured out some tweaks and it did
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change within a year's time. So, but at the, at the time I felt stuck. I felt like I wanted to
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quit. I felt like I was overwhelmed. And so just know that these points in your life can come,
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but they're just triggers for you to realize that what is going on or what's working, what is not
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working. What's going, if you're feeling those emotions and you're feeling that stuckness and
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you're feeling like there's no way out, that's not working. And so you got to figure out a way
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to, to make it work that, that is okay with you. And even if it doesn't happen overnight, but it
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will change in the future. And this is what I call being nice to yourself. Don't just show up
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because, because everybody expects you to show up. Show up because you want to, because you feel
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that passion, because show up for the day, because you want to be the best mom you can be. And show
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up that day because you feel good about what you're doing and you feel like you're contributing. And
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a lot of times we don't. And so if you're in that this year, I challenge you to figure out how to
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make it so it's like that it make it so you're not dreading every day, you're not dreading every
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single like you're not just hoping for the best, the best, the next best thing to come along or the
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next vacation. So and it takes a lot of work, it does. And so don't just think that this is,
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but if nothing changes, nothing changes. And so if you don't do anything to try and change it,
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then it's never going to change. But if you do at least put little implements or put little things
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in to try and change it, your future self is going to thank you. So me today, thanks that
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Carrie two years ago, that she switched that around outside still be stuck doing four to five
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readings a day, Monday through Friday. And now I have enough room that I can start doing events,
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and I can start teaching classes, and I can start doing, but I still feel like I don't have enough
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time to do that stuff. And the events are starting to get pretty, the galleries and the group readings
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are starting to get pretty big. And so now I've got to tweak something else. And I've got to tweak
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and figure out if I'm going to start touring, if I'm going to start, you know, doing different
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reading different galleries all over everywhere. And so that's just kind of because I do have a big,
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you know, a big, a following in North Carolina, and I do have some people, you know, and I have
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people everywhere that call and get readings. And so, and I don't want to give up the, I don't want
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to give up the personal readings, because I do know a lot of mediums will shift out of doing
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individual readings, and they'll go into events. And, and I don't really want to do that. I always
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want to do individual readings, but I also want to add more so I can reach more people, because I
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want to help more people. And so that's what 2025 is going to be about is having to reach out and
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help more people, but also be kind to myself. So I want you to figure out how to do that too,
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how you can do the things you want to do, but be kind to yourself, give yourself grace. We are so
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hard. I know my kids, they can be so hard on themselves a lot. And it breaks my heart, because
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if they could see them the way I see them, or the way God sees them, they wouldn't be so hard on
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themselves. And I do the same. And I know you do too. I know you're super hard on yourself. So give,
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you know, if you don't have a word, if you're not, give yourself some grace, maybe have grace be
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your word this year. Me, I am going to create. I got a lot of big things coming. And this is
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basically pretty much, you know, what this podcast was about. I haven't been on for a long time.
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This is the first one of 2025. And I wanted to ramp you up and get you excited about what's coming
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up for the year, because it's been kind of hard ever, you know, the last couple years have been
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a little bit about growth, a little bit about figuring out who you are, being authentic. And
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now it's like this year's just putting that stuff into play. All of that cool stuff you learned and
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all of this stuff that's coming up. It's like, here we go. Let's, let's use it. Let's use it to do
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better, to be better and to love who we are. And so yeah, it's just, and I have to be honest too,
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I'm going to be 100% vulnerable with you. Last year was a little bit hard because I
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ended up having to take some medication that I don't, and I, and I have nothing against medication.
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I 100% believe that doctors and holistic and stuff, all of that combined, it's, it's all of
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it's good. You have to do what's good for you. I just know because of my ADHD, sometimes medicines
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can be different for me. They can act weird. So caffeine actually makes me drowsy. I'm steroid
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shots that are supposed to make you energy. Sometimes they can make me tired. So sometimes
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different medications have a different effect on me. And I, so I don't really like to take them
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because I don't really know what kind of effect, but sometimes you need them. Sometimes you do
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need them. And I was going, I was having some issues with some, some body stuff, anyways.
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And so I kind of started to like blood sugar stuff. And, and I, the, the medicine that I was on
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gave me severe anxiety, like severe anxiety and intrusive thoughts. And it was, it was such a,
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such a thing that I like constantly had to like, every day, walk myself through it, talk myself
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through it. So crazy because it didn't affect my readings. Like it was, I was, luckily I was confident
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enough in my mediumship skills and my connection to spirit that it didn't affect that. But what it
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did affect is like different things with my, you know, different things with securities or in,
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in intrusive thoughts with my family. And that was hard. And so now that the, the medicine's
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completely out of my system. And now that it's just like a new me is emerging. And I'm just like,
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going to go get it. I'm going to go after it and go get it. And I just wish that all of us could
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feel that every, you know, every beginning of the year or every day or every month beginning of each
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month. And just feel that new person coming out and being like, this is, this is it. This is when,
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you know, this is it. So this year, if you don't already have your word, I would suggest courage,
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courage to move forward, courage to be you, courage to be authentic, courage to figure out who you
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are and grace, grace, give yourself grace, give yourself love, try to see your eyes the way God
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would see you or the creator would see you. Because if you knew how much your spiritual
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team loved you or how, how beautiful and how awesome you were and how much power you had,
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you wouldn't, you would know that you are so unconditionally loved. You are so unconditionally
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loved that, that your spiritual team lets you think whatever you want, which is sometimes that
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you're not good enough. And I just want you to remember this year who you are and that it's
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going to be good and you are going to step into your power. And it's going to be the year that all
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of this stuff that we've grown and grow to get grew together and learned and all the spiritual
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things this year, they're going to be awesome. And this year, I'm going to totally try and revamp
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my podcast. I'm going to have lots of different interviews on I'm going to have lots of different
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people that do different things because as much as I love to sit and talk and tell you things,
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I know that it's awesome. You know, my husband when he was on with me, that was like my biggest
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podcast episode because I think it was the interview thing and I think just my husband's
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cute. So, so this year we are going to I have lined up some other mediums that we're going to talk to
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and some Akashic record readers that we're going to talk to. Speaking of Akashic record
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readers, I am doing Akashic record readings and they will be up and ready probably sometime this
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week. I'm only going to do two a week. So, and I think they're going to be available on Tuesdays
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and Thursday nights, but they could go pretty fast. I'm going to actually kind of block it so you
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can only they can only be scheduled three months up to three months in advance because I don't want
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to get stuck year out again. And so then every month they'll open up. So when January ends, I'll
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open up another month. So then I'll open up the third month with the beat, which would be April.
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So just know that there's only going to be three months and there's only two a week with those.
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And if I get to start doing them and I don't love them, then I'm going to stop doing them
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because that's because it's about what you love, right? It's about what you and and I know right
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now I love mediumship. I love, you know, connecting to the other side, but I have had lots of people
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that want Akashic record readings. And so I'm going to try it and we're going to see how it works.
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And it's okay to change your mind. It's okay to say like, you know what, that isn't working for me.
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So I'm going to stop doing that. And that might happen this year. I have lots of changes coming.
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I have lots of things going on. And I might get into it and be like, you know what, that doesn't
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work for me. And I have every right to change my mind. I have every right because I'm creating what
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I love. And you do too. You have every right to change your mind. So, so when you make commitments,
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make sure that you're not committing yourself for too long, because if you end up not liking it,
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you can stop it. You can't you, everything is figure outable. So this is the year. This is
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the year we're going to grow together. This is the year that my podcasts are going to rock.
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Give me some time though. I tell you, I'm going to do all this. And then I still have,
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you know, seven kids, I still have a husband, I still have a family, I still, you know, do other
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things too. So give me some time because I want to, I'm not a perfectionist, but I want to be good.
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I think you deserve the best. And so I want, like with my galleries and my events, I need more room.
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So I want to find a space that accommodates all those things, the parking and, you know,
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all of the stuff I have to take into consideration. And the book, I have to spend, you know,
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so much time a day working on a book. And then, so just, you know, I'm telling you this because
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I'm being accountable because 2025 is going to rock, but also to give, give yourself some grace
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and give others grace, give them some time. I had a recent video come out on one of my galleries
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and it got a lot of response. And now people are like, what's the schedule? What's the schedule?
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I don't know yet. I'm trying and I'm doing the best I can, but as soon as I get that schedule,
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I will get it out to you. But here's another thing too. My people that are on my newsletter,
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they get first dibs. So I will send the newsletter out, they get first dibs on, on tickets for those
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events. And then I post it to social media. And it's been to the point where my newsletters sell
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out the events and I've never had to post them on social media. And that's why people, when they
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saw this event on social media, this video of this event, they're like, what the heck? I didn't
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know these were even happening. It's because my newsletter people got it first. So if you need
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to be on my newsletter, go to www.carriemugs.com, C-A-R-I-M-U-G-Z.com and sign up for my newsletter.
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And also too, you can also follow me on Instagram or my Facebook page at spunky spirit. Instagram
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is spirit.medium.carriemugs or my TikTok @carriemugs. That's where you'll find out all of this
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information. You can even follow me on my Eventbrite page. They usually email as soon as I post something
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and when it's available, they'll email all of the people who are following me on Eventbrite. So
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those are the way you can find out about events. But the reason why I haven't been putting them on
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social media is because all my newsletter people get to them first. But I am starting to, you know,
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make those events bigger. I'm going to have more people come, which means, you know, kind of more
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work for me because more spirits are going to come and it's going to be more. So I have to like,
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it's going to be an ease into it. It's not going to be like 100%. Let's go. Let's go. It's going to
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be an ease. And also too, I have lots of other, you know, things that are reaching out and trying
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to collaborate. And so I just got to get that in order. So thank you for being patient with me
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and thank you for understanding. It is going to be a big year and everything is figure-outable.
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And I'm just so honored that you're with me during this because I still have clients that come to me
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that came to me when I was doing readings in my home in the back bedroom. So it's just an honor to
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me to be part of your journey too. And I don't know what I would do without you. And so I try,
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try my hardest to honor me and you at the same time. But I love you guys so much. And I know that,
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you know, if you're in a spot right now that you don't love and you're in a spot that you,
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it's a monotone or it's the same thing or you're not loving it. 2025 is your year. It's your year
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to break through, to love who you are, to love your life, to have fun, to do, to be brave and to
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have courage and to give yourself grace while you're doing it because you're worth it. You're so
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worth it. We're all worth it. And I hope that any part of these podcasts this year that I have planned
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help you do that. That's kind of the theme is to just help you move forward, to give you courage
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and grace at the same time, courage and grace. So I love you guys so much, so, so much. And I'm so
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excited that you're part of this journey with me because I just don't know, I couldn't do without
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you. 100%, it could not do without you. So I love you guys and I will see you next week.
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