I do a lot of Readings and one of the questions I get asked the most is "How do I Connect to my Spirit Guides"
I am going to give you some simple tips on how to connect to your own Spirit Guides.
Now if you would like to know exactly what Spirit Guides are then click HERE to listen to my Podcast that will explain what they are, who they are and how they work for you and around you.
How can you connect to your Spirit Guides? I have made a Guided Meditation so you can connect to them, meet them and see who they are. You can get that HERE
How do you know when they are with you? Well they are with you all the time. They never leave you. They are your Spiritual Team that will help you stay on your blueprint or "path" in this life on Earth.
Lots of times your Guides will try to reach you through dreams or during Meditation. I created a Guided Meditation to help you m